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It feels like my first real day here, although I have been traveling for more than two.

I'm not Jet-lagged and that kinda freaks me out. Maybe it doesn't happen to everyone.

(side note- I just tripped in the bathroom and HOLY HECK does it hurt)

Checked in to our beautiful boutique hotel, that feels like a mini-grand Budapest.

Thong-lo (Soi Thonglor) is a fun and popular location. It is full of Trendy new bars and surprisingly, a Starbucks every few blocks. It feels so similar to my neighborhood Denver, I almost feel right at home. But it's not home. Its home, if Denver was in a oven, and stacked ten times on top of itself.

I am anxious and excited to explore EVERYTHING, so the second we arrived and I took off my massive backpack, and we left again. This place immediately caught my eye. It is called ROOT GARDEN and is a coffee shop/farm that boasted sustainability on every sign. It was so peaceful and pretty. The barista spoke english and talked to us for a bit. I had a sweet lemon tea, and it seriously helped cool me down. Honestly, it's so hot, I feel like my core temperature is 150 degrees. I think I'm going to need an ice cold drink like that tea in my hand at all times. Otherwise I might die. Everyone has been so friendly and helpful. Its nice when theres a language barrier

I was dead- set when we arrived to have a "squid-on-a-stick." So when I found one at a street cart, I jumped at the chance to buy one. Of course, it was drenched in a Death-fire sauce and burned my mouth, I dumped some water on it and the spiciness went down. I only hope one of the locals saw and thought to themselves: "what a weenie," because I am one.

I hoped Mcdonalds would be a lot more interesting, but most of the food was the same. Ronald McDonald is creepy everywhere though. that's a universal fact. I found this handsome devil next to a swanky grocery store and a few expensive shops.

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